How to make an amulet or a talisman of his hands

With the help of mascots one can believe or not believe, but what they really work, it has already proven. And not something ancient legends (more precisely, — and not only them, because there is no sense not to trust to the wisdom of the ancestors).. More information on how to make other types of earrings, explain in this article.

the mascots

Not so long ago, a team of researchers from the university of Cologne has conducted a series of experiments. Experienced student volunteers who need to resolve tests, perform tasks of coordination of movements, to memorize quickly and without error to read the different information. In general, the researchers conducted three sets of experiments, to be sure to guess the correspondence. The subjects of the groups differed by a single parameter: the students were allowed or forbidden to carry any amulets on the chance.

You know what was the result? Try to guess it.

The groups in which they could use charms to attract luck, all the tasks are done in 30-35% of better. The figure varies in the different tests, but the result is obvious. The students, who had to rely on themselves, even the simple tests are making things worse. We can say, the guys just "out of luck". But now, you know that the bad luck you can protect yourself. In the end, it allows even those who do not believe. As in the famous stories of Nils Bora, the nobel prize in physics. On the door in the cabinet of the famous physicist was nailed horseshoe, the legendary mascot of the chance. One of the visitors of a surprise asked, is science of such a level is believed medieval fairy tales? "Of course not", laughed the Boron. But it is immediately added: "But this thing works even for those who do not believe in him!"

The mascot of the amulet and the

For those who want to make an amulet or a talisman out of his hands, rather, it is the question of the theory. It is important, in fact, to attract in your life of wealth and fortune, and the rest of the room. If going into details, the mascot — this is what allows (most often implicitly) to tune in a certain manner, to develop the self-confidence, to achieve the maximum level of positive energy. The examples here are simple and very visual. Each sports team has their mascot. And we all know the importance of the attitude of victory. Even the most assiduous training and the most wise of the installation of the coach may not help, if the command is emotional exhausted. And here is where the athletes see the stands with the fans, and each t-shirt or a baseball cap with the team mascot... any other thing.

make the mascot

The mascot of the chance can be an object (often very personal), the image of man or animal (as in athletes and the people of the sea), and even the phenomenon of nature. Below, we describe the topics that are the mascots of his own hands. Their efficacy is proven from the centuries. Amulet is a special item, remaining to the owner with positive energy. Relatively speaking, if a talisman gives the key to the door, amulet I remove this door.

However, in practice, this is not so important, because all are interested in opportunity and wealth that lie behind the imaginary of the door (not the door). Therefore, tips, how to make amulets and talismans in the home are very similar. And what we will tell you in all the details. Any in particular of complex materials is not necessary. Everything you find... under your feet. Do not believe? So instead, read the following.

As his hands to make cash of the amulet and mascot lucky

As amulets and talismans to interact with the energy of the owner, the independent production the more reliable path. In addition, many of the former boards had to say: works only what I have found personally. And here is what it is (and under what conditions), it is necessary to find, we will now describe.

Happy room

One of the most ancient of the cash flow of the mascots. It is believed that this piece will certainly need to find. Often advance an additional condition: the room must be located towards the top "the eagle" (the part with the arms). If you see that the top is facing towards the side of the nominal value, send it back. Thus, you will going to find the amulet of wealth. And good business go to waste. Moreover, often, there are advice not to pay attention to, and by which side has a coin. If it hits you in the eye and you want to do, it is the precision of your money from the mascot. It is sometimes said that the greatest opportunity, when the year of strikes corresponds to your year of birth.

To make parts of talisman to attract money, work in particular, is not necessary. Find enough wash and Polish (a former rule "more shine, more of a chance," has not been canceled). After that, put in a hand bag. But only at the branch where you did not accidentally pull on the delivery anywhere on the body. Always a good option: put it in a holster collection pieces and put it on the desktop. In this presentation of the cash from the mascot of the geographical location. The famous cartoon of the rich, Scrooge McDuck — and silent. He has kept happy 10p solid under a bell-glass.


Theoretically, a coin, you can and drill wear, for example, on the arm or the neck. But often, you can meet the opinion, in order not to make of the sentence: a amulet loses force.
For do not pierce, glad, the coins have been placed in frames.

Here, the coins braided wire. Now hung on a cord and wear it around the neck (the surface in this case, it has not suffered). This technique is called wire wrap. It is often used for the creation of jewelry from seashells, crystals and natural stones.

Lucky shamrock

Even a talisman of luck, which can detect literally under the feet. But look closely, not every song is suitable. Many of the varieties themselves, in the four petals, which is the standard.To make an amulet of luck, you need a piece of "clover creeping". We still call it "white". Trifolium repens latin for the scientific names and the old magic work. Look at this plant as well. Check if your clover on the talisman, is very simple. Fourth petal should be much lower than the other three. Are on a of 10's of thousands of plants. If you find yourself very very lucky and an urgent need to be taken to make the mascot.

Complex in the manufacture of anything. Dry the flyer (in unfolded between the pages of a thick book, the paper should be loose enough to absorb the excess moisture). Loan of clubs, you can invest in a hand bag. For this purpose, it is preferable to use the smallest envelope in plastic, the petals do break. You can still put it under the document cover or the phone case. But only marc.

Option for the real masters of make talismans of his own hands. Put happy petal clover paste on the top transparent cabochon (a large glass semi pearl). Now, leaflet, you can hang them on a string and make a necklace. In general, therefore, make a lot of decorations with dried tomatoes and flowers and grass. But this will be special, the bringer of good luck. If you do not want a long time to wander in the fields, there is an easier solution. Use pendants in metal in the shape of four-leaf clover. They can decorate, for example, a bracelet. Although it seems that in this mode of manufacture of the mascot of luck less of magic, it doesn't always work. We have already explained why.

Iron horse

iron horse

In our time, this kind of thing under the feet of hard to find. But the iron horse mascot does not necessarily fall with the hooves of this horse. Pretty and decorative, but it is preferable to metal. It is believed that it is in the metal and the magic of the forge, with all the strength of these amulets.

A horseshoe must be firmly attached. This talisman should be hung open to the top, then it collects in itself all the luck. Remember the story of Nils Bora: these energy is the strongest thing to help, even for those who do not believe. There are many stories that function on the same image with a spike. Only the glue and of their right side upwards. Like other charms, horseshoes, you can use bracelets or earrings. It is sufficient to join him in pendants of metal of appropriate form.

Games of dice and cards

Luck is required game to the players. It is therefore not surprising that these things have appeared in the list of amulets on the luck and attract money. Tricks special in the creation of these amulets not. Enough of the object itself. Someone who chooses one of the card and carries with him, placing it under the cover of the passport. Someone puts a couple of game cubes in front of the screen. Other hang large decorative cubes in the rear-view mirror in the car. The medium is not important. Important your energy is the link with the mascot.

With the energy of the numbers on the cards and the faces of the cubes related to the magic numbers. You have certainly heard that the numbers that attract good luck. In the european tradition, it is seven. Chinese — eight. Therefore, many put the cubes in such a way that the sum of the faces we the un gave seven. Or take the corresponding card. Particularly surprising and enigmatic seems to be the eight of diamonds, which the lucky number "eight" is not only a figure, but the drawing of the color.



Even a talisman of luck and to attract money that you can find literally under the feet. Curiously, it is associated with cards. Previously, the icon of an acorn, marked one of the colors. Another legend pro the magical power of this amulet is related to the way of oak. By the way, it starts a little acorn and grows huge, in the true sense of the word "royal" of the tree. That not the symbol of fertility, prosperity and, of course, wealth.

Therefore, the acorns are often used to attract money and I put them in a bag to hand. But, how and from 4-petal clover, at home, you can make it the mascot of decoration. To do this, the hat advanced, secure with glue (and before that, threading in the mounting of the ring). Itself the glans to paint gold paint spray or just brush in a different color. Now, you can wear as a on or a suspension strap.


One of the rare mascots to fully do with their hands. His task is not so much to bring good luck, how to hunt failure. In dreams covers not only dreams, but also of all the negative thoughts and sympathy arrangements feelings. Usually hang at the window or at the border of the suburban areas, if the relationship with the neighbors you don't really have. But you can make small charms. And wear them as earrings or a necklace.

How to make the lace for one on with a hole

Sometimes, on the photo it is difficult to imagine the size of the article. Used on glass , size 48mm. of different colors. Nothing particularly complex: round metal framework, taxes, rings, earrings, pendants in metal in the shape of feathers.


For the closures need to spike flap and button closure. For the base product used waxed cord-white in colour. Separates multiple segments of the rope to the desired length without reservation. Attached to the holder on (just unbend his hands and lectere on the on). It is very hard to keep, no need of glue. Lace-up filum to bale.

The clasp is also attached without glue. The clamp is tight the last link of spring, and the loop is secured to the loop. I chose the button because I really like that it does not spoil the nails does not break. Connecting rings are not necessary. I wish you all, even for old technology in Your work looked original and fresh!